Tandem Discovery Paramotor Flights: A Unique Way to Explore the Countryside!
Experience the thrill of flight with a Certified Instructor as you glide through the skies. These 20–30 minute flights offer the perfect introduction to the world of paramotoring. Whether you’re looking for an unforgettable adventure or a chance to see if paramotoring is the right fit for you, a tandem discovery flight is the ideal way to take that first step.
“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return”
Explore Sonoma Wine Country and light your passion to fly
Tandem discovery paramotor flights are perfect for experiencing the joy of flying
Starting at $199. Bring two friends and get a $20 discount
Make Your Dreams Of Flying Come True Today.
Never grow old and wish you had!
All flights are subject to weather conditions and may be rescheduled at any time at the discretion of the pilot.
Most flights are held within 3 hours of sunrise or sunset.
Flights are non-refundable, but are transferable.